Our buggies are an extension of our personalities and most of us like to listen to music when we're out in the dunes. If you have an older buggy that was built in the hay day of cd changers and/or mechanical amps and speakers, it may be time for an upgrade. Everything has gone digital which produces crisp sounding systems. We eliminate head units and utilize your smart phone for direct and/or Bluetooth connections. Lighting systems can also be incorporated into the new sound system, which are all the rage these days.
If you have a RAW Sandstorm, one of the most popular upgrades is our Hood/Windshield package. Gone are the days of bulky goggles when you can wear your regular sunglasses and skip the sand in your face. Hood/windshield pkg fits our standard chassis. If you are building a car, our hoods pkg. can be fit to your application. Call for more info.....
Our new cars are fit with our 2 into one exhaust system but if you have the old system, this is a popular upgrade. This system has a unique "Indie car" sound and builds back pressure resulting in increased horsepower. Who can't use a little more HP?


One of the biggest changes you can make to your car is the suspension system. The first step is to tune your current system. So many vehicles we see have great components on them but are not properly tuned. Even the right nitrogen levels or shock spring rates can make a huge difference in the way your car works. If you don't feel your car is performing at its full potential, call RAW today. We can do a baseline set up for your car. Once that is established we can begin to tune for your driving style and comfort.
Another popular upgrade is to your lighting system. Gone are the large HID lights and light bars. LED's are where its at. From whips to back lit gauges; there are so many options. The best thing about LED lights is they pull much less current so add away. Sky's the limit!
Keep your buggy in tip top shape by completing a Seasonal Service with RAW. One of the most important service items on any buggy is its CV's. If you keep those greased and serviced, cv's won't leave you stranded. Another item is having the correct nitrogen in your shocks. If you feel your car isn't handling like it use to - chances are your shocks need servicing.